
my back story

I’m Nat Dowling. For a while I’ve been on the journey to reclaim my sovereign beingness, to find natural resonance and live in wild, wise authenticity.

It’s not always been a conscious path. I can’t say it’s been easy. But the alternative - life in a disconnected world - meant being out of sync, out of sorts and out of place. I was disembodied. This showed up as despair, purposelessness and a list of auto-immune diseases.

Underneath has been a longing for something I couldn’t quite articulate; just this gnawing sense that I was only half living and that the world was not quite right. I didn’t feel at ease within myself. Only later in life did I realise that I’ve been trying to do what I was socially conditioned to do - locking away my heart and soul in the process.

In 2013, the universe got impatient and opened my eyes with a numinous nudge. I said ‘yes’ without really knowing the terms of agreement. I’ve since been learning to trust that I don’t need to read the fine print. Just keep saying ‘yes’ to the mystery and my soul’s unfolding.

That capacity only became possible with the guidance of mentors, deep listening, workshops, training, vision quests, integration and a big soul descent (along with hiccups, steps backward and understanding that paths meander in rhythms and cycles). Along the way I’ve been gathering the wisdom strands that make sense for me. Earth, Story and Sound.

After university training as a historian, then public sector work, I launched Words on a Page. For a decade I facilitated client transformation through writing, stories and workshops.

Down the track I became a certified practitioner with the Sound Healing Academy. I’ve since undertaken mantra and yoga of sound training. I was among the first cohort of the 10-month Nature-Based Leadership Program.

Now, as a strategic creative, I weave the threads together. As I continue to seek wisdom, deepen my own practices and work with clients, the earth healer medicine works with me, in a curious dance of reciprocity. Community connections grow tendrils. Collaborations emerge. New ways of being become possible. Whole. Wild. Well. In natural resonance.

So. If you’ve got an itch, an inkling or a longing to find your way, to bring soul to life, restore health or to make a new story for the world, maybe it’s your turn to say ‘yes’. Work with me.

SOUND HEALING | NATURE CONNECTION | STOrytelling | rewilding wellbeing

“the wanderer seeks the hidden, the mysterious, the wild.”

— Bill Plotkin